Adam Crofts

Game Development Student at LJMU.
Software Engineer.

About Me

Adam's efforts studying for all of his subjects has been outstanding. In addition, his ability to manage time around his interests outside of School have shown he is more than capable of coping with whatever life throws at him.

- Mrs C Danher, Head of Mosslands Sixth Form

Hi! I'm Adam. This website is my Portfolio of my time as a Game Developer / Software Engineer. I have developed games as a hobby since I was around 5 years old, beginning with Game Maker. I finished University in 2022, when I then spent 2 months working in Scenegraph Studios as a programmer in VR. Since then, I spent the past year in Teacher Training, and I now have a PGCE in Computer Science. In my spare time outside of game development, I enjoy working out and playing games with friends. Currently, we are playing Lego Fortnite and Monster Hunter Rise.

Adam Crofts

Software Engineer, with experience in UE4 (C++ and Blueprints) and Unity.

Adam Crofts


Excellent problem solver

I enjoy the thrill of solving puzzles, and I view any problem in programming a matter of effective problem solving. I won't stop working on something until it is done to the best of my ability.

Reach Deadlines on time

Throughout my life in schools and in work I have had deadlines to reach, which I have always managed to complete my work with plenty of time to spare all while having time to myself for my hobbies!

Effective Communication

I am always willing to ask for help or clarification if I don't understand something. Along with this, I take feedback very well and always implement what I can into my work!

Highly Experienced in C++

I have a high amount of knowledge programming in C++, through which I have learnt how to properly read through the code to find bugs.

Professional knowledge in UE4/5

I have had 4 years experience working on UE4 using both Blueprints and C++, with 1 year in UE5. This also includes experience turning Blueprints into C++ objects.


Here is a collection of projects I have worked on, both within University and as a Hobby.

Drop Fox

Created as part of the Wowie Jam 2.0 using Unity 5. Consists of simple tilt controls on Android and Cursor control using PC. For this project, I worked for 3 days on my own, creating everything from scratch including the code to move the player and the art used in the game. I was pleased with the results so decided it would make a great Mobile game since it was inspired by the likes of Flappy Bird and Doodle Jump. Programmed in C#

ASCII Invaders

Created in my first year of Uni, in which we were given a proprietary university game engine and told to create Space Invaders but sideways. In this project, one of my favourite features I implemented was a boss fight every 5 rounds using a Modulo function to check if the Level is a multiple of 5. The boss was just a scaled up variant of the Player character that moves up and down the screen while firing bullets in 8 different directions every 2 seconds. This I feel is a very difficult challenge for the Player, so makes it all the more satisfying when you manage to beat it! Programmed in C++

C++ Zombies Game

I was given the task of creating a top down zombie shooter using C++ and SFML. For this project, I had to learn some basic functionalities of AI enemy creation - including the use of hearing and visual cones so the enemy can identify if the player is nearby. I also had to create a type writing effect for the backstory menu, along with a Day / Night cycle. There is also a couple of different weapons available for the player, consisting of both Melee and Rifles. I finally implemented a Zombie spawning system to make sure that the player will always have something available to fight. The sprites were all provided by the university.

C++ Hieroglyph - Procedural Animation

I had a module for 3D Computer Graphics, in which I had to create a 3D World with a Car driving along a racetrack to show off different types of Transformations. To properly do this module, I had to do a lot of research into the different types of transformations and how changing one can affect the others, especially if done in the incorrect order. My research is available on the download link too.

ASCII Invaders: Remastered

This was my first project in my second year. This was created with C++ SFML. I decided to call it Remastered as it has a similar feel to the original ASCII Invaders I made in First Year, just with nicer graphics.

Character Switching Platformer

As part of my final year in University, I wanted to create a Puzzle Platformer. I decided to base this off the Skylanders series, as I like the idea of using characters like a “lives” system and I have always wanted a remaster of the games where you don’t need all the toys. My main focus was on Level Design, as Platformer games usually have intricately designed worlds through which there are many hidden things for the players to find.

Fire Extinguisher Training

Working in Scenegraph Studios, I began the development of a Fire Extinguisher simulation to train people on how to use a Fire Extinguisher. Using assets from the Marketplace, I created some training maps to show a variety of situations. Also implemented a “game mode” where you had to put out fires as quickly as possible. Created using the Advanced VR Framework by HumanCodeable.

Unavailable to download

Lunar Legacy

Lunar Legacy is currently a Work in Progress. Initially designed for a Game Jam, my friend and I ultimately decided we would like to make this in full and take our time.

Est. Summer 2024



You can contact me using any of these, but the quickest method would be through Discord.
Here is my CV!